Distrito Federal

UnAF - Unión Afirmativa
La UnAF es una asociación civil sin fines de lucro cuyo objetivo fundamental es el rescate y la defensa de los derechos humanos de las personas gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transgéneros, así como la superación de la discriminación por orientación sexual en Venezuela.

Affirmative Union is a non-profit civil association, whose fundamental objective is to rescue and defend the human rights of the GLBT community, and to overcome sexual orientation discrimination in Venezuela. UnAF is based in the capital city of Caracas. Past events include GLBT Pride in June 2001 (Orgullo GLBT) and working in collaboration with
La Cinemateca Nacional de Venezuela (The National Film Library of Venezuela) to produce a GLBT Film Program (Cine diversidad sexual) in July 2001 to help redress historic media portrayals of the lives and human rights of GLBT people. UnAF can be reached by email and by telephone:


Telephone: +58-(212)-278-5315 / +58-(212)-710-0485